The 1968 super bowl III new york jets championship ring is deserve to buy by no means.
it is meaningful not just because this is the 1st super bowl ring and the only one jets wins (untill 2017), but
also it brings us back to one of the most memorable upsets in NFL history on Jan. 12, 1969
Time has been distanced for fans, but if you ever asked which is the greatest game ever played in NFL history?
the 1968 super bowl III jets vs Colt would be named positively. still, there is arguments between fans.
but if you change to ask, how about the top 10 greatest NFL games? yes, of course, the super bowl III is in the list
without any doubt.
The Jets beat the heavily-favored Baltimore Colts, 16-7 .With the victory. the Jets remain the only winning Super Bowl team to only score one touchdown (either offensive, defensive, or special teams).
however, what made the 3rd super bowl to be talked about most often, is Joe Namath, he guaranteed three days before the Super Bowl at the Miami Touchdown Club by stating: “We’re gonna win this game. I guarantee it.”
This message was wildspreaded to the world and it was just like a joke for many people. you know for almost a full decade, the AFL was relegated as a minor league compared to the NFL, and it seems impossible to make it . finally they got the 1968 super bowl rings